Thursday, July 30, 2015

España: day 2

Last night, Zury and I rode the metro into the city to find out that we were late and that every one had left for karaoke, so we ended up just walking around the city some. I found a lot of places that are in the United States in Madrid like McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, and Subway. Zury and I went into McDonalds and found that it is different than the one in the United States. I was able to buy macaroons which is definitely NOT something that you can find in the United States! I'm glad that these are here because the fries will be good comfort food if I need them even though they are probably much healther than those in the United States! ;)

This morning I woke up about an hour too late and felt awful! Zury and I went and got phone numbers here and then I bought a new phone because they could not unlock my phone from back home. However, I was needing a new phone... so this worked out in my favor! After this Zury and I went to the school and they joked with us that we were late. I explained to them that I had overslept and that I was very sorry. They seemed to understand. Many of the people in the program are very kind and willing to explain things to me in English or Spanish if I don't understand. There are a few people that talk to Zury when they are talking to me because they know that she understands them. This is something that I hope will get better as I begin to understand the language better. Although, it is a huge blessing that she is here with me because she knows Spanish so well when I have a problem understanding something. 

I had a small scary moment today when a strange man starting following me and Zury a little. He noticed that I had a belt under my shirt that I was putting stuff in. He gave me a look that I did not like at all. So Zury and I went into a store and waited for a little. He was outside again, but we lost him shortly after that thank goodness! 

It was a very good day despite some of the craziness involved in it. Tomorrow we are going to relax and enjoy the pool!

Much love, 


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