Tuesday, August 4, 2015

España: Day 7

I had my second day of classes today and I very much enjoyed them! I am beginning to understand what others are saying and feel much better being in a class of people who are learning Spanish too. They understand my struggles!! I also went to the Museo del Prado which come to find out Zury and I have actually walked up on it before. It was beautiful and I got to see paintings from the 17th and 18th centuries by Velazquez and Goya. Some of these paintings I recognize from classes in the past in high school and college, so it was great to be able to see them in person. As most museums of art go, I was unable to take a photo to prove I was actually there... But trust me, I saw the painting and they are a must to go to if anyone visits Madrid in my opinion. I think that next week we are going to another art museum that is much smaller, but I am not sure of the name so I'll keep you posted!

Everything is incredible here and I love it, but I do miss my parents, my sister, my boyfriend, my friends, my cats and dogs, ect. I have had my moments where I cry and am anxious to get through the day to get back home to all of them, but I know that this will be something that I never forget. One thing I'd like to talk about is my interesting home situation. My host parents are very nice and they let me have my privacy and cook me dinner. I do wish though that they would come get me and talk to me more rather than me feeling like I'm invading their space. They would be great tour guides but have never given me the option to go with them anywhere. With the exception of the first two days I have ate dinner by myself. I even had to eat dinner in my room last night because they had friends over and I couldn't eat with them. I was a bit shocked because I thought that that would have been a great learning experience for me both culturally and with the language. Although I am not sure how many other people this has happened to, I asked Zury what her host mom thought about it and she said that this is not a cultural norm. I am not letting this get to me though because I still have a bed to sleep and they give me food (which I never turn down because it's delicious). I just think for a well rounded trip, i would have loved to have a family that just was more interested in me as a person rather than just a person that pays them to stay in their house for a month. 

Such is life! On to the next adventure and the next day!

Much love, 


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