Friday, August 21, 2015

España: El Palacio Real, My First Few Business Classes, and Paella!

This week has really been a busy one and when I did have time to write a blog post, I really didn't have much to write about. 

On Monday, Zury and I were able to visit el Palacio Real for an evening. It was only five euros for us to enter and look around. We were trying to find our friend Tanja, but were not able to so we just went in and looked around. Internet and phone calls are a problem here. People don't always have internet and we cannot call someone who does not have a Spanish phone number. So we just hoped that Tanja was okay-- which she was! We were not allowed to take photos inside because of the artwork and other stuff, but let me just tell you, I found my future home. It's fit for a queen (sorry Nathan ;)). The current queen and king do not live here anymore, but they do use the palace for official things such as the declaration of the king Phillip 6 when his father gave up the thrown last year. 

On Tuesday I learned to play Mus.. Or should I say struggled to learn Mus. It was a frusturating and confusing game that made me want to pull my hair out and laugh all at the same time. I still might have a chance to play one more time just to figure it out, but that was a hard day and a hard time trying to learn it! On Tuesday we also began our new business classes with a different professor. It was a slight adjustment for me just because it was more of a one-on-one experience for me and just the language in general has been adjustment. However, I can say that I feel more adjusted to it and have successfully made it through my first week of business classes! Week 3 of classes are almost completed!

On Wednesday evening, my host mom taught Zury and me how to make Paella with chicken! It was absolutely delicious and now I have a recipe to make for my mom and dad, my potluck nights with my friends, and just for dinner in general! My host mom even said that she would give me several pre-made paella mixes as a gift. 

Then on Thursday evening, I made my way to la Reina Sofia. There is a famous painting in this museum that was painted by Picasso. I have actually heard of this painting before because of some Spanish classes, but I actually got to see the real thing in person! And of course, I cannot remember the name at this moment! That was a wonderful opportunity for me.. but of course, no photos. So if you want to see it, buy a ticket to Spain! ;) Zury and I also had to go around and talk to some workers of two Spanish Stores, el Corte Ingles and Zara. We had some questions that we had to ask someone for our business class and then we have a summary due on Monday about our experiences and what we learned. Let me just say, I thought about buying some clothes from Zara, but after the way that they treated Zury and me, I have decided not to. They were very rude and it took us about 30 minutes to find someone that actually wanted to talk to us and didn't roll their eyes at us. 

This weekend Zury and I are heading to Paris. Although I am nervous about traveling and perhaps not as excited as I know Zury is, I know it will be a really fun time with lots to do and see! We will return late Sunday evening around 11:30 or so and then start our last week of business classes on Monday! 

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